Saturday, May 30, 2009

Chapter II: Runaway Accomplished: Now What?
This is a photo of the barracks at Camp Roberts, Ca. There are two floors of double bunk beds on each floor. On the first floor there is a large latrine (bathroom) with a row of toilets against the wall with a large shower area where many men take a shower at one time. Everyone gets up at the same time (5:30). Living conditions for soldiers have improved over the years,Seattle is a big city for a country boy. After living in a hotel for a few days Specialops8013 rented a room in an individual house. The renter was a seaman who goes to Alaska once or twice a month working on a boat. Specialops 8013 and he strike up a friendship. He called a friend who worked in a hardware store and managed to get Specialops8013 a job. He not only knew that he needed money, but did not want him roaming the streets. This worked out very well for 8013. The job was full time stocking, pricing and cleanup.
The man's name who helped was Jeb. Jeb's girlfriend came over to do some cooking and cleaning while Jeb was gone. This made everything very pleasant for 8013. He did not know how lucky he was.As time went on Jeb encouraged 8013 to join the military. He was ex-navy. He was afraid that young people like 8013 would meet the wrong people and get into trouble. His brother was paratrooper and loved it. 8013 was not so sure he wanted to jump out of planes. Jeb encouraged 8013 to go to the draft board and say it is his birthday and where does he sign up. 8013's birthday was coming up soon.
They made plans that if the board wanted to call him to use his number. He would answer as though he was 8013's dad. Jeb advised that when 8013 goes to the board office to act kind of scared.The birthday came and 8013 went to the board and declared that it was his birthday today, He completed tons of paper work. The board did call Jeb and he explained that he was separated from 8013's mother. He promised to get a birth certificate and take it in.
Well, it was an anxious 8-9 days before a letter came for 8013. He was to report for a physical. Then after another 8-9 days he received orders to report to nearby Fort Lewis. Wow! no turning back now.There a bus schedule for Fort Lewis. Goodbye's to Jeb and Angel, his girl friend.Fort Lewis is very large but everyone was escorted as they got off the bus. A very hectic 5 days and off to Camp Roberts in California. Oh! in uniform. Camp Roberts is a very large basic training camp in Central California near the coast. The parade ground was a square mile black topped. All of the marches were across the parade field. Lots of marches, drill, KP. bayonet training, weapons firing, hand-to-hand combat, exercise drill every morning at 6 AM.
The weeks went by. 8013 went to Los Angeles with a friend who lived there. Now that is a big city.8013 was 18 years old in the eyes of the Army so he was careful to act mature. He went of and practiced drills and stuff. Even went down to the obstacle course at night instead of drinking beer with other basics. It was dark and dangerous. However, it did help. One drill sergeant, who was a paratrooper toughened 8013 up. 8013 respected him and decided to be a paratrooper. The Sgt. said he would never make it.
Basic training is very difficult, both physically and mental. 8013 is only 16 years of age. Men were drafted up to age 35. Many living adjustments to be made. New things to be learned. New people and procedures to learn and live with. Leaders yelling at you and you can never talk back. Drill, drill and more drill of all kinds. Long marches in hot weather with heavy loads. Backpack, weapons, etc. Short breaks and up and at it. We are talking about miles here. The coast is flat but there are hills not far away.
Every now and then a soldier would give up. You couldn't help him and usually you never saw him again. Only one way to do anything: the Army way. Of course, once in awhile a soldier would get hurt or sick and he was taken care of. There were all types of men. Everything from someone who drank too much to men who blew up over minor things. There were very few incidents of sexual misbehavior. That was quickly corrected. Stealing was a minor but serious problem.
Finally, graduation day. A big ceremony. Everyone had their assignment.
8013 and two others were going to Fort Benning, Geogia for jump school. The others were going home prior to reporting to Fort. Benning. 8013's parents did not know where he was, dead or alive, in reform school or where. He always carried guilt over this and was tempted to call home but afraid to. He promised himself that he would call on his 18th birthday and visit as soon as possible. Although he tried not to think about it, he was homesick. If you have never tried it, it is a big strain behaving like what one thinks about adult behavior. Leisure time was the hardest.
Joking about and/or talking about females could leave big blanks in the younger one. Sometimes there would be no response. Being teased about sex could be deadly. How to react???
Army training is eternal. It starts in basic but never stops. Long marches get longer. (civilians call it hiking). Always carrying a weapon and other equipment. Try 5 miles on gravel and grass then a couple of miles on blacktop. Wow! that is hard on the legs and feet. Walking and then running and then walking some more. Basic was an introduction to all of this. Up hills and down.
Slopes and mountains,. Ground such as concrete, blacktop, sand, gravel and across streams.
Must learn how to care for blisters and callous and how to avoid them. One learns how to care for ones feet or suffer the consequences.
That is only one topic. There is the care of clothing, weapons, ammunition, your body, and everything around you. If you smoke you do not throw the butt on the ground. You learn how to field strip a cig and what a butt can is. You get the idea. Mom would sure come in handy now!!!

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