Saturday, May 30, 2009

Chapter III Basic After Basic

Army basic training is not easy. Just the simple task of adjusting is very difficult. Not only the requirements of the military but living with a bunch of strangers. Note the barracks above.They come from everywhere and all walks of life. Many do not want to be here. All kinds of personal habits that are strange to others. Some men are extremely peaceful and helpful. Others ready to fight and not very helpful. Lots to learn. Mental and physical. Forced to cooperate. A few wash out and go home. A few friends are made. A few friendships will last for years or in a few cases a lifetime. Specialops8013 had to be careful as he was afraid of exposure to his actual age. There are situations where you let your guard down. A strain to maintain it all of the time.A beer or two can have its effect too.Actually time went fast and transfer time was coming. Specialops8013 applied for paratrooper's school. He was passing basic with flying colors. Mostly blue for the Infantry.

The Sgt. that supported Specialops8013 was shipping overseas. He wanted 8013 to keep in touch and gave him his home address. He also confided in 8013 that he suspected that he was under age. He told him not to worry he just might make it.8013 is going to the Infantry's Paratrooper School, Fort Benning, Georgia. At the time that meant nothing to 8013. However, recruits are selected to go there.. Another long trip on a train. Again from one coast to the other.At this time 8013 did not know how much California will be a part of his future.

Only two others were selected to go to Fort Benning. The three would travel together.Columbus, Georgia, the nearest city to Fort Benning.. Greetings and acceptance were very different then at Camp Roberts. Now you are a soldier and expected to act like one. We thought that Camp Roberts was a tough place. The atmosphere here makes basic training look like play. Here you better understand what "Right Now" means. Here they expect you to understand and obey orders without hesitation. Takes a little adjusting. For any sign of failure or poorly exercised the soldier might be ordered, "Give me 15 or 20 or 25". This meant to get down where ever you were and do proper push ups in the ordered amount. Well, if you were smart you practiced push ups at every opportunity.

There are many training units at Ft. Benning, It is a giant base. Our Sgt. wanted us to stand out fromthe other units. They would have us show off. We often shared the parade ground, the shooting range, the obstacle course and the streets with others. Our Officers and Sgt were competing with the others. Most of the time we enjoyed it. We were the only ones wearing bounced boots. It looked like our pant legs were tucked into our boots but we had weight and rubberized bands that made them look Sharp. Over the years the others could do this too.The title should be "Super Basic After Basic."

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